Newfrontiers Leadership Conference 2006 - Main Session 03
Two things make this a great message. 1) Terry speaks with a real passion and the message is very much on his heart. 2) The message is based on a powerful insight from Scripture—a truth that really hits home. The insight is concerning the nature of faith. These days faith is often linked to "getting something from God", however, in Heb 11:24 we read "By faith Moses refused...". Terry explores what this dimension of faith means in a challenging and thought-provoking message.
There is very detailed summary of this message on Adrian Warnock's blog.
Click here for the free download page at Newfrontiers
Terry preached this message
Terry preached this message at Northeast Celebration I believe. It's available online at itunes for free, as well as the other messages from the conference if anyone is interested in hearing it. It is well worth listening to, as well as the other one he preached.