King's Community Church

King's Community Church, Hedge End

King's Community Church (KCC) is a Newfrontiers church in Hedge End, an eastern suburb of Southampton. I visited the church last Sunday. The church has a beautiful building with a surrounding grassy space. The auditorium has a balcony and feels very compact, but can seat 400. Even so, the church has to have two Sunday morning meetings to accommodate everyone.

Steve Haines with Mark and Steph Heath and Anne

We received a very warm welcome and in the picture above are chatting with Steve Haines, one of the elders. There was a great time of worship with some contributions from the floor. It was a little shorter than I am used to, but I discovered later that the aim is to keep the meeting length shorter during the summer months.

Worship at KCC

The sermon was truly excellent—one of the best gospel messages I have heard for a long time. The preacher was Steve Chick and he was kind enough to give me his sermon notes afterwards, so I can say authoritatively that this outline is accurate :)

Steve Chick preaching at KCC

The Secret of Satisfaction (Matt 5:6)

Martin Lloyd-Jones said, “Everybody wants to be happy. That is the great motive behind every act and ambition, behind all work and all striving and effort. Everything is designed for happiness. But the great tragedy of the world is that, though it gives itself to seek for happiness, it never seems to be able to find it”
  1. Are you Hungry? (Those who hunger and thirst)
    Examples including the story of the lost son
  2. Are you eating the right things? (for righteousness)
    Righteousness has three aspects:
    • Legal Righteousness
    • Moral Righteousness
    • Relational Righteousness
  3. Are you full yet? (for they will be filled)
    • promise to the Christian
    • invitation to the unsaved to repent

The sermon had a really good application both for the Christian and the non-Christian, and can be downloaded here:

Finally it was great to see our friend Mark and Steph Heath again. Mark is well known for his Word and Spirit blog which is well worth following.

Mark and Steph Heath with their family


I read the blog of Andrew fountain. Really inspirational. I congratulate him as he is currently the leader of a new church-plant: Newlife Church, Toronto ,also he is a teacher of computer programming. Thank you for sharing the success stories of men who did remarkable work for the society. Expect more posts from you.