Newfrontiers Leadership Conference 2006 - Training Track 4-1
Once David gets into his material, it is a well-reasoned Biblical theology of missions. The argument is roughly as follows:
- God himself is missional and therefore it is not an option for us
- 70 nations are listed in the table of nations in Genesis, (after Babel).
- God tells Abraham he is to be a blessing to all the nations
- Israel are given this mandate (they are to be a light to the nations)
- Jesus came to fulfill this mandate
- he appointed 12 disciples as the foundations for the New Covenant people of God (which as we know parallels the 12 tribes)
- he then sent out the 70
- this number is no accident
- Multiple languages were the curse of Babel
- but the gift of tongues tells us that every language is a vehicle for the gospel
- in fact Gods desire is that every language should praise him!
- it takes all the languages of the world to praise God!
He then goes on to describe how this impacts the local church. This seminar is a good foundation to an important topic and I found it interesting and helpful.
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