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Review of LS01 John Groves - Heaven and hell, outdated concepts?Newfrontiers Leadership Conference 2006 - Leadership Seminar 01Outline in program: A lot was said a the start of the session about the importance of everyone getting a copy of the notes. Yet there doesn’t seem to be any provision for those ordering the CD to obtain them. I like the way that SGM makes all their conference handouts freely available through their website. This would be a good pattern for Newfrontiers to follow. The second problem I had was that this is a 2-CD set, and the second CD repeats a section of the first and then abruptly stops. This makes it very difficult to do a review. All I can say that although what I heard was good, it is hard to deal with such a big subject so briefly. I found the two messages by Greg Haslam on the subject to be very well organized and helpful and I will provide a download link here.