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Experiencing the Presence of God (Delighting in God part 2)I’ve heard it said that if you removed the parts of the Bible that deal with the presence of God, you would end up with the genealogies, Proverbs & Philemon, and maybe not even that! Everyone recognizes that this is one of the most important subjects that there is, yet very little is written about it apart from the description of some experiences. So here I am attempting to begin to develop the theology of the subject. I believe that there are three ways that the Bible speaks about God’s special presence:
So the big question is: Why do we often not experience God’s presence the way we would like to?
Here is a link to the notes and audio: Experiencing the Presence of God. Note that it follows on from Delighting in God Part 1: Looking for Pleasure in All the Right Places
I would welcome comments from others on this subject.